Bobcat Tires - The Cost Breakdown Calculation

If you assume that the level of quality doesn't vary significantly from product to product, it seems to make sense to go with the cheaper option. This kind of thinking often leads to the purchase of traditional air-filled Bobcat tires for use on skid steers, plain simple pneumatic tires.
Buyers may see the higher price tag that comes with solid Bobcat tires and figure that the air-filled tires are a better value. However, how much do those cheaper Bobcat tires really cost in the long run? After all, up-front purchase price is only one small part of the cost consideration equation. You must also factor in the cost of maintaining, repairing, and replacing the Bobcat tires.
You should also consider that recent advances in technology have led to a wide variation in the quality of modern tires, and there are now some significant differences between types and brands. Though solid Bobcat tires may seem like the more expensive option up front, their cutting edge design will actually save you a lot of money down the line.
If you are currently using air-filled Bobcat tires for your job site's skid steers, take a few minutes to think about the actual cost.
Here are some factors that need to go into a holistic cost consideration equation:
How many hours do the air-filled Bobcat tires last on the machine?
Lower-quality Bobcat tires will wear out more quickly and need to be replaced more often, resulting in a higher overall tire budget. Though the individual Bobcat tires cost less, the need to purchase many of them adds up.
What is the cost of Bobcat tires when installation is factored in?
Spendingman-hours and resources on Bobcat tire installation is costly, especially if it needs to be done frequently. -
What is the cost to repair air-filled Bobcattires when they go flat?
One of the biggest drawbacks of air-filled Bobcat tires is that when they are punctured, they deflate. Every time this happens, the Bobcat tires must be removed and repaired before the machine becomes functional again. This process can lead to big costs, as labor and downtime are required in order to make the repair. With solid Bobcat tires, there are no flats to worry about, and none of the associated expenses or hassles. -
How much are you spending on downtime during repairs?
Consider how many hours are spent dealing with flat Bobcat tires instead of working on the project you've been hired to do. Using your job's hourly charge out rate, you can calculate the cost/hour of your tires. The cheaper the Bobcat tires, the more downtime is required, which ultimately costs you money.
The numbers speak for themselves!
Buying high-quality Bobcat tires results in lower cost/hour. If you want to save money on equipment, well-designed products will ultimately yield greater returns. Though air-filled Bobcat tires cost less up front, in the long run solid Bobcat tires are well worth the investment.
To know more about Solid Tires for skid steer loaders, visit our website or email our sales specialist.