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Narrow Or Wide Rear Tires - Which Do You Prefer?

The grip is important in all types of go-kart racing, whether it be on a dirt track, a road course, or an oval. You need a tire that will generate the ideal amount of grip. Neither too little nor too much.

 The potential grip increases with tire width. When you press the gas pedal, turn, and hold the back of the kart below you while turning, the grip is what makes your go-kart move. Most go-karts have live axles, meaning that both rear wheels are attached to one another and can handle equal torque.

Why is this important?

Racing Go-karts lack suspension, therefore to turn they need to be mechanically lifted by lifting the inside wheel. Having more grip is beneficial, but too much can impair your hands. Depending on the series and racetrack, wider tires are preferable for the go-kart’s rear. A wider go-kart tire requires more energy to move and more rolling resistance.

There is no right or incorrect response in racing. Your engineering expertise and ingenuity are absolutely necessary. Additionally, make sure you are up-to-date on the laws in your area to avoid getting caught breaking them.

I hope this information helped you out. Go-kart tires are simple and very easy to use. Reach out to APEXIS for any thoughts or inquiries.

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